Friday, December 11


Went shopping for me and Cheng's prom dresses at Sunway and they said they bumped into alot of our school mate, Ryan, Giap, Karis and Rach.

Tot it's possible if we might bumped into each other again. Was looking around and weren't fruitful.. So I suggested we go to SS2 or Uptown where they've got alot of personal boutiques and then you can get nice dresses and bargain about the price. We were walking around while Roy drove us. The two guys Roy and Alan was rotting I guess..

When we went into a shop at Uptown, forgotten which. We tried out quite a number of dresses! And i was stuck with 2 dresses with the same price but different feeling, one is elegant and another one is.. uhhh.. comfortable. hahaha..

Since we bought 2 pieces, we got 10% off the second piece. So the very nice lady offered to split the 5 % on me and cheng's dress. So she took the elegant one! And i took the comfortable one!

We got our dresses for onli RM78! hahahaha.. Well I think it's a good bargain, simple and nice =]

Cant wait for prom! My baby wanna follow me to mani and pedi. He's going to help get my hair fixed as well!

He bought me the prom dress for our 10th month anniversary gift which is yet to come and he offered to pay for my hair do in a salon which will be a Christmas gift. LOL

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