Thursday, June 18

A Change We Should All Celebrate for!

As many might not know, i'm born on November the 11th. It's World Recycling Day! Growing up with a mother that really cares about the environment. I've learnt to hold on to the wastes till i found a dustbin and not just dump it on the street or leave it anywhere.

My family recycle a lot. Everything that's able to be recycled will be recycled in our house. We dont throw our clothes and towels, we just cut it into pieces and use it as cloths. It saves up lots of money and it works and it helps and it's good!

Cut the crap short. We are earthly ppl and we recycle.

I got really happy when i saw smth in the 7 eleven near my house. And at the cashier was a sign put up there. Instantly a smile spread across my face. I dont know why i was just so happy seeing some company as big as 7 eleven is actually trying to save Mother Earth too! I felt we weren't alone and got really motivated.

In where we live, finding a recycling bin arent that hard. Just open your eyes wide and you'll definitely find one.

The weather is so unpredictable these days and it's incredibly hot in the afternoon and night. Dont deny it, because you know it is global warming's effect on us. If you havent start doing whatever you can for mother Earth it's never too late to start!

We've been living and destroying and taking Earth for granted for such a long time. We humans gotta atleast do our part to STOP destroying Earth.

Only ask for plastic bags when you really really need it! It isn't THAT embarrassing to tell the cashier that you do not need the plastic bag.

Do our part! Cos it aint that Hard!

Go 7 Eleven!

truly grateful for 7 eleven's effort,

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