Wednesday, August 5


Yes dad. I came back earlier from school today and actually just had 1 period of Add maths and the form 5s were called to dewan bakti and dewan kuliah, divided by gender. Girls were called to dewan bakti and guys- dewan kuliah.



The stupid haze made it hard for me to breathe and I kept choking for air. Literally, I was having a cough and the haze is just not helping me recover.

I am still thinking if i should take part in the competition. I mean IT IS my last year. And there's no other chance like this..

Baby says GO FOR ITTT..

Chi Cheng says.. hmmm I also dunno laa..

I say..


Dad, today, was probably demented.. He fetched me back from school 1 hour after his called which he said he needed only 15 mins. (As usual) Went home, I offered to make him breakfast. So i offered to make him half-boiled eggs. He said okay after he found out there was bread in the refridgerator.

I then switched the kettle on (old fashion i know) and turned my attention to the ostrich eggs my sister asked me to take care of. I was suppose to stick more sworovski crystals on top, the thing is, the cement she bought flows out continuously and it's difficult to recap. So i told her, if you want me to help you with this, you gotta be with me when i do it. If not your eggs(ostrich) will be covered with cement(transparent but shiny) and not beautiful crystals. Immediately, we thought up an idea. We squeeze the whole cement tube and into a container, and we just gotta roll the eggs over it and simply sprinkle the crystals on top.






last but not least.


1 small tiny packet of sworovski crystals is just like the amount of small crystals you can hold on your palm and it'd already cost ranging from 30 ++ to 60++ depending on the sizes.

Just when i ended the conversation with my sister, the kettle whistled. I ran over the stupid kettle screaming for attention and made the half boiled eggs.

Dad was caring today, he washed everything i used to cook the half boil eggs(sadly not his). He put back the soya sauce and also the peppers. He asked me how was my day, altho it was still 8.30am in the morning.

I felt, at ease I guess. He then went to the piano and played a few emo songs. I sat my big butt infront of the PC watching P.S I Love You. As always, comments from readers after watching the movie? SUCK. But till now, this is the worse movie brought to life from the book. It's disastrous. They made Holly sound like just some cheap bitch while in the book, she lived with dignity. How can they even have the heart to say that Frank (Holly's loving and caring and humorous dad) left her mom??? He loved his wife so much! (which was Elizabeth) and in the movie, Elizabeth reborned and became Patricia or some other names.

What the helll?? Well, I'm the type of person that waits for the credits. It seems the movie was dedicated to some girl who died in 2005. Okay.. Understandable.. So then i proceeded to my next goal watching the credits, the producer's name. Not some distinguished uncle, so i then skipped to the cast, it's either my knowlege for celebrities is just WAY below average, or they're just someone who played the trees and the grass in a kindergarten concert.

I am going to run a very very unfair game between mom and dad and see who cares for more.

1 point goes to dad, who asked me how was my life and atleast pretended to listen and care.

1 point goes to mommy, with her own bare hands without the help of my father.

1 point goes to dad, who picks me up from school and ask if i'm all okay.

1 point goes to mommy, who checks if i'm sick when i sleep in the living room with strong fan and thin blanket after a fight the night before. ( what a mouthful)

1 point for daddy who listens to my problem.

1 point to mommy who directs me through life.

so for now.

Dad - 3

Mom - 3

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