Friday, September 11

Why cant he....?!

As i mentioned in the previous post. Pastor Danny came to CF today, to live abundantly, live our life to the fullest, i chose to cast smth out of me and clothe myself with loyalty.

But i've forgotten to speak against jealousy and also ego that's been occupying so much of me.

It's always about why can't she put herself in my shoes? Why can't she just do this little bit of a favor for me? It's not that difficult!

Why cant he do this? Why cant he do that? WHY WHY WHY.

Why cant you put yourself in other's shoes. I've been complaining abt my mother, why can't she just find sometime and spend sometime with me, ask me how was my day. What i did in school, how's my friends and all. Why do we always expect the other party to iniatiate. WHY cant we take the first step that pride, ego hold the others back?

Let me tell you smth, if you spend your day wondering, why can't he just apologize and forget about it? Why cant she just take it and shut up? Why my parents dont understand me? Why is it that my brother or sister have to find fault with me? WHY.

STOP IT. You'll live a very miserable life, becos you're putting ur mood and your day at other ppl's mercy. Now what the heck am i talking about? It means, if someone tries to set you off, you have a choice, to react- get angry cos he offended you or ignore cos there's no point getting mad.

If you're seeking help, a simple favor from someone, and that particular someone refused to give you a hand, will you get mad? or will you find someone else? or will you give up immediately?
When you seek help, do not fully depend on that very person. He or she has their own life and you cant just make them help or ''serve'' you everytime.

The correct decision of living a peaceful life amongst each other, will make your day. Put a smile on your face, don't be stingy with your compliments to others, choose to be happy and not grumpy. This way, no one can make you angry or sad or feel like a wreck. You control your own mood and your day, you design your day your own way.

Instead of why cant he or why cant they/ why cant you - putting the blame on others, change to why can't I do the right thing? why can't I take the first step, Why can't i listen to my mother's problems more? Why is it that i never understand what she's thinking? Why cant I? is much better than Why cant he.

One simple word that explains, you pick, self-centeredness or a short and ugly word, ego.


I've always been jealous of my siblings and even my sister-in-law. Why is it that she only buy her favourite food for her and never for me? Why is it that she only seems to be enthusiastic about their return and not mind? Why is it that she always think about her more than she does of me? Why is it that she picked to help him out and not me?

Why cant I think? Why cant I say, why can't I buy smth nice for my mother, well if you cant afford make one. Well if you're lazy or busy or too fussy bout other ppl's work. Send a text msg, saying i love you, is more than enough. Of cos you dont have to write a whoooooooooole long freakin essay in tthat specific text laa.. But if you want to, why not?

Of cos don't write the below :

(someone), i truly love you from the bottom of my heart. I get it that it's a hard life for you to have brought me up and raise me to become who i am now, BUT.... why cant I get the new phone that i want so badly, why cant I get the car that I wan, ohhhh that so very beautiful car.

And all the WHYS come in, no. YOU DON'T GET IT..

IF you know your msg's gonna be this long, just keep it short.

(someone), i love you.

end of story. short and sweet.

Jealousy kills and it's also included in one of the seven deadliest sins, if i'm not mistaken.

As today i cast smth out of me and clothed myself with loyalty, speak against jealousy and welcome faith in my life, whack the heck of ego, kick it out of my life and learn to have more compassion.

I've made my decision. How bout you? Dont drag it. You'll never know if there's a tomoro.

mama i'm sorry for being so NOT understanding.
thank you for always tolerating with me.
thank you for always squashing me when we sleep together.
thank you mother for feeding me
thank you for holding my hand patiently when you first taught me to write my first alphabet.
thank you for being alive.

Thank you Jesus, Oh Lord, pls help my unbelief!
Help me live an abundant life.

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