Tuesday, April 14


Learning has fused into our life that we do it 24 7 and unconsciously. We don't only learn from books, magazines, or one thick heavy dictionary. We learn moral values, teamwork, mistakes, the good stuffs and the bad stuffs. Now that we know that we learn about different matters all the time, so you cant measure it by what we learn, but how much we learn. 

We've seen lots of books  like ''Learning Made Easy'' or '' ________(fill in the blank) for dummies'',
in this century, we no longer say check the dictionary, why? Because you're dumb if you do so, for certain people. Instead of 'check the dictionary', we say ''Google it'' or '' Yahoo Answers'' or ''Wikipedia''. This proves that learning, dont only come from one source and that one source only, books, the main source for schooling communities. 

Learning comes in so many forms, pure boring thick books with no colours with arial fonts. Thick books with COLOURS and pictures, transparentcies (however  u spell it ), projectors, laptops, CDs..  Knowlege can be passed from one to another not just by all these, by communicating, by sharing, by so many other means.

i'm going to watch tv now. so no mood to write d.
all i wanna say is


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