Friday, October 31

to the person i love(kinda) i think maybe i dunno

It appeared to be vain. The faux expression and lie that you create. You kept contradicting that you were lying. Your such an ostentatious person, you know i know that you know.

Sometimes when you speak, you always do it furtively with me while i was agonizing picking up the vestiges that you created. Curtly i breathe, i thought i was shrewd in some way. I was so injudicious with my actions and accidentally provoke someone. A cryptic person which is evasive on the temper. I was totally oblivious of what i was resolved in. Abruptly, things unraveling at the speed of lightning when i was vaguely conscious of what was going on. That was then i started scrutinizing the reactions the tiny stuffs that normal ppl dont do.

Your actions are unrelentingly showed, showing the vacancy inside you. You were seeking for something tangible and fragile, feeble and frail, because to you, it is very intimidating. The discontent that you have when things get too easy and in ur way all the time, banishing all the responsibilities and love. Deluding one that might unaware of you. You alter constantly so that people couldnt keep track of you. I had the privilege of getting your understatements but that's the price for undercurrent.

Your actions are still moot and showing no sympathy to anyone. I wish i was wary of what i was into. Condescendingly, i was tortured. My heart throbbed when you were near me but not anymore. You penetrated through my defenses, i will keep my eyes open this time.

Your pronounced the syllable of the word i loathe most clearly to make me splutter and it was really imprudent of you to do so. You departed without turning your head and i was solemn my face creased and i suffered palpitation, unable to believe the chivalry you approve yourself of doing. It was hysteria, i definitely was. I had a wager and also squabble with a bunch of ppl who cared. The rant they offer was too huge.

I got the incentive from you, at least it was last time. It trigger the danger button in my heard, aid me to realize that it was all a mirage, truth merged. It was hard to condone of what i experienced. I use to flush when i see you. The unwise actions that we both performed, we groaned in anguish as we argued. It was vacant all the time. Never been once filled.

The rant is too huge to fill. I wish i had the wager right. I was too ignorant. No matter how much i mock now, i just have to collect the pieces. and build them up again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow this was a great post.. I' m enjoying it.. good resource