Friday, January 23

An Intimate relationship between couples

I've run out of topics to write and it's pissing me off that my stuffs just keep missing.. 

An intimate relationship, requires understanding, patience, forgiving, acceptance, love care and also being sensitive. There are times that one shows hints but expect the others to know it at once. For me, i dont like to show hints, because i know, when ur partner dont get the hint, 

i) u might misunderstand that he get what u mean but ignoring it.
ii) he dunno what u mean, makes u feel like he's brainless
iii) it is much easier and straightforward and u skip a step away from another 
meaningless argument.

so why hint? if u're couple. understand each other.. try to fulfill and respect your other half, and automatically they'll respect you. 

there are times when one waits and waits for the call of their special someone. If it's a yes, then it's joy falling upon you.. but when ur expectations are not met, disappointment occur and fingers will start pointing and blaming. 

so why have that when u can avoid it? my previous relationship. Intimate is the word i guess.
we seldom show hints so that it'd be easier for each other to catch and figure what's in each others mind. and unfortunately becos of that. this has been put to practise around a year. or mayb more than that. we now. although are seperated. can think what's in each other's mind.

becos of this. we always give the same answers to certain questions. we always pick the similar stuff when we have to. it becomes a natural. if it can happen to my ex. why not ur current bf?

my current bf =] 

it is hard as we dun see each other everyday. i dont know what's in his mind. or does he know what's in mine.. this distance that we have between each other is like a gap keeping us from reaching together. which means, this love will be more difficult than the one i had before. 

i have to admit that this feels entirely different. i have been well pampered and taken care of. but now. i am dented put painted again. i wouldn't use the term like a brand new car. but more like another chapter of my life. 

Lord filled my heart and everyday it feels different. Forgiving hasnt been a problem to me i think. i forget things fast. but there are times when certain occasions that bothers me a lot. it just keeps coming. i wish they'd just go away, and once in a while i'd just do what the devils of my heart tells me to do. 

but now. i am in the last year of my secondary pursuit. i'd wish to hold someone in my arms and provide support and comfort prior to my examinations.

Intimate relationships, forgiving is plays an extreme vital role.  I'll use an example of a dustbin. If someone throws a rubbish at u, will u hold on to it or will u throw it into the dustbin? why hold on to it if it's something bad or something that u're not interested in? throw in the dustbin then forget bout it laaa.. it's not like it's something memorable or a token of ur life. 

You make the choice whether to hold on to the rubbish or to throw it in the bin. If u hold on to it, the rubbish will keep coming.. will u be able to hold them altogether at the same time? Initially, perhaps. For some period of time, when it's overflowing and u're overwhelming with problems...


what i'm trying to say is. will u do any good if u hold hatred against someone?  what does it benefit u? it's just wasting a part of ur mind to something useless and meaningless.. why not use it to think of something more descent?

the choice between positive or negative is in ur hands.

it's either i take the short term  pain or pressure and let it dissolve into air after u guys talk about it..  tell each other when u feel uncomfortable about certain actions taken, inform each other and change for each other. that shows respect and loving. that u care for his/her feelings. 

not onli guys, but girls also face the trouble of sometimes, when ur love ones are unhappy bout something u did. but u dunno what u did. BECOS IT WAS YOU DOING IT, u wun realise it sometimes that it might hurt ur other half's feelings. if u know the answer why not tell it to her. no need waste time to guess. get wrong answer and get mad at it..


skip the unnecessary and proceed to the next thing la..

P.S unnecesary does not include romantic stuffs. Being romantic is not unnecessary okay?

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